School Success for Teens

Maybe the first semester wasn’t the best for your child this school year.  Lots of things can get in the way of doing well in school.  Just like adults who may have difficulties with a co-worker, a rough workload, or depression and anxiety, teens also can be suffering from similar ailments.  The difference is, adults have the life experience to know it will pass.  Teens don’t have the same insight.If you have a child that had previously done well in school and their grades have fallen, there are things you can do to help them.

woman dabbing in red graduation gown holding diploma

1. Talk with them with a listening ear.  Leave your judgements at the door.  Allow your child the time to be heard.  Validate their feelings and struggles.  “That must be hard.”  “I hear how overwhelmed you feel.”

2. Problem solve.  Give them the opportunity to come  up with their own ideas on how to pull up their grades, deal with their peers, or manage their emotions at school.  Ask if they want some feedback or ideas.

3. Help them to set 1 or 2 realistic goals.  You want the plan to work and to build a feeling of accomplishment in your child.  If you tell your teen they need to get straight A’s in all their classes when they got Cs and Ds before, this can feel unmanageable to your teen.  Failure is likely to ensue.

4. Create objectives.  Write out or discuss how they are going to reach these goals.  A daily schedule, reminders in their phone, setting up a calendar.  Help them to get organized so their is room for success.

5. Let them take the lead.  Since you have been a parent for a long time, you may know just what they need to do.  Your child may even arrive at an idea that you have been telling them for ages.  But please don’t steal their thunder.  Teens are a hundred times more willing if they think it is their idea, not yours.  

6. Use rewards to keep kids motivated.  We get paid to go to work and ideally love what we do.  We have motivations.  Kids needs motivators too.  If you are really trying to change a behavior or pattern, daily rewards prove useful.  Computer time, phone time, family time (maybe?!), earning points towards getting something they want at the mall.

7. Notice them.  “I notice you working hard on things.”  “I notice you doing your homework each day after school.”  You don’t need to go on and on.  In fact, your teen may hate that.  Pick up on their cues.  One sentence may be enough.

8. Offer help.  “Can I help you in anyway?”  When you get the feedback regarding how annoying you are being, head for another room with grace.  Avoid comments about how ungrateful they are or mumbling under your breath.  Just be proud your teen is getting it done.

With my knowledge and experiences, I can help my child be successful.

The Holiday Wrecking Ball

pumpkin pie and red drink Holidays can crash the wrecking ball in on what people try to keep intact the rest of the year. An, “I don’t care” attitude about disconnections from family members. An, “It doesn’t bother me,” attitude about loved ones who are deceased.  In reality, it impacts people deep. Probably deeper than they even know.

Holidays can offer a real mirror into how alone people really are. Dinners with limited participants. Few, if any, gifts. And an overall feeling of just going through the motions.

Why do we do this to ourselves? It’s in the name of tradition, darn it! Tradition of what?  In remembrance of your parents and your grandparents being miserable with their own relatives? Fun!

There can be such pressure for people to do what they don’t want to do for the sake of others who are probably feeling similarly to you. Why spend time with people you spend the whole year trying to avoid at a time toted as being “the best time of the year?” Oh right, tradition.

How about making your own tradition? Spending time with people you really love. Doing good deeds for others. Attending a service or festivity. Reading a book. Doing something that brings the real sense of spirit into your heart. Now that sounds more like it.

I know there are just some things and people you cannot get away from. Well, maybe you really could but tradition and guilt and obligation are all tied, so there you are sipping some eggnog. But maybe the way you think about it could be shifted.

When we think we are going to dread something, we generally do. When we think an experience is going to be awful, it generally is to some degree. What if you take the glass is half full approach to whatever it is you are doing this holiday?

Try these on for size:

1. I am so glad I get to eat a home cooked meal.

2. While I wasn’t happy to see everyone, I am so glad I got to see my cousin Trevor.

3. I love Aunt Tammie’s special hot cocoa.

4. I am blessed for how I live my life.

5. I am a patient person.

Happy Holidays to each of you. Thank you for reading my stuff throughout the year. In an effort to have the glass half full, I am blessed!


I can feel positive during the holidays no matter my obligations.